Monday, June 4, 2012

NYC pre Gotham NY Experience

This is my first blog entry. It explains my attitudes, beliefs, and feelings about the City of New York. When I think of New York, this is what comes to mind:
I have lived in New York all my life. I went to high school in Manhattan and college in the Bronx. I learned to drive on the tumultuous streets of  New York and have been forever proud of my nerve while inching up close to waves of pedestrians. There were sunny days spent on the steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and tired feet trying to find the nearest subway after I had walked too long past endless diversions. New York is home to me. Deep down inside though, I am aware there is so much of the city I don't even know about. It also changes constantly. It is dynamic, exciting, noisy and dirty. Despite it's anonymity I never feel alone in the city. There is always an exciting new exhibit that I am so lucky to view. I have access to world class art and theater within an easy thirty minute commute. Exploring New York is a real life educational experience. Having moved to Long Island in my adult life, I sometimes feel like a tourist in New York. I do remember sleeping at my aunt's and grandmother's Manhattan apartments as a youngster. The noise and lights of traffic, sirens and hearing people talking after I went to bed is still something I recall with contentment. It is always comforting to revisit the sights, sounds, energy and diversity that is New York City. I do admit though, that when I think of New York City, it is Manhattan that comes to mind. I grew up in Brooklyn which is part of New York City but I think of that borough differently. Maybe this is because it is the suburbs but it is all relative because after living in Long Island, Brooklyn no longer feels like a suburb. Queens was a place I visited. I went to see friends and go to restaurants. People in Queens thought they were better off than those who still lived in Brooklyn. The other interesting feature about the city is that there are sections within each borough that define economic differences and stature. This means that there are broad contrasts and stark differences in the quality of living and amenities. Either way, I am proud to be a New Yorker and would love to learn more about the city. I would be a better host to others who wish to enjoy this great metropolis.

1 comment:

  1. 23/25

    Your posts were well written and interesting to read. The only critique I have is that you need to learn to use hyperlinks prorperly and try to be a bit more consistent in citing the BG. Otherwise fine.
