Sunday, July 1, 2012

NYC post Gotham NY Experience

Who could have predicted the myriad of experiences we would have in New York City. I am looking at more details and variety than ever. Central Park is way bigger than I ever knew and Bethesda Fountain is outstanding. High Tea at the Plaza is on my bucket list! What a way to exercise. One can never get bored. There are infinite restaurants, views, shows and specialized areas pertaining to endless interests. Spanish Harlem was different and a comfort zone for all Latinos. We haven't even brushed the surface, I bet. How the city has changed. There are signs of gentrification everywhere and the Queens side of the waterfront is a plus. Even the South Street Seaport is hopping. This was a fun and enlightening course. Hats off to Professors Russo and Hey for challenging the group to keep walking, doing, going and seeing despite record temperatures. It was great!

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